
Watching the English Ahe Hidden Rules of English Behaviour ISBN 9780340752128 kindle 下载 网盘 pdf azw3 极速 rtf umd



Watching the English Ahe Hidden Rules of English Behaviour ISBN 9780340752128书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9780340752128
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2005-04
  • 页数:424
  • 价格:61.60
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装
  • 开本:32开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分


  How does THE NAKED APE behave when he's dressed? The quirks

and habits of the English laid bare. --This text refers to an

out of print or unavailable edition of this title.




  Kate Fox, a social anthropologist, is co-Director of the

Social Issues Research Centre in Oxford, where she has worked on a

number of projects with Desmond Morris and Peter North. Her work

has included research, publications and broadcasts on many aspects

of human behaviour including social aspects of drinking, flirting,

body image, pub behaviour, gossip and violence. She is also a

respected international consultant on the prevention and management

of violence. She is frequently in the media as a commentator on

numerous aspects of social anthropology. --This text refers to

an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.






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The trouble is that virtually all nations have a number of regions, each of which invariably regards itself as different from, and superior to, all the others. This applies in France, Italy, the US, Russia, Mexico, Spain, Scotland, Australia – and more or less anywhere else you care to mention. People from St Petersburg talk about Muscovites as though they were members of a different species; East-coast and Mid-western Americans might as well be from different planets, ditto Tuscans and Neapolitans, Northern and Southern Mexicans, etc.; even cities such as Melbourne and Sydney see themselves as having radically different characters – and let’s not start on Edinburgh and Glasgow. Regionalism is hardly a peculiarly English phenomenon. In all of these cases, however, the people of these admit...

The ‘brash American’ approach: ‘Hi, I’m Bill from Iowa,’ particularly if accompanied by an outstretched hand and beaming smile, makes the English wince and cringe. The American tourists and visitors I spoke to during my research had been both baffled and hurt by this reaction. ‘I just don’t get it,’ said one woman. ‘You say your name and they sort of wrinkle their noses, like you’ve told them something a bit too personal and embarrassing.’ ‘That’s right,’ her husband added. ‘And then they give you this tight little smile and say “Hello” – kind of pointedly not giving their name, to let you know you’ve made this big social booboo. What the hell is so private about a person’s name, for God’s sake?’

I ended up explaining, as kindly as I could, that the English do not want to know your name, ...

English female bonding-talk often starts with a ritual exchange of compliments. In fact, this ritual can be observed at almost every social gathering of two or more female friends. I have eavesdropped on female complimenting rituals in pubs, restaurants, coffee shops and night-clubs; at race-meetings and other sports events; at theatres, concerts, Women’s Institute meetings and biker rallies; in shopping centres and on street corners; on buses and trains; in school playgrounds, university cafeterias and office canteens. I found that when women are accompanied by men, they tend to conduct a somewhat truncated version of the complimenting ritual, although they often retreat to the ladies’ loos to complete the exchange (yes, I followed them); in allfemale groups, the full version will be perf...

‘Mine’, in this context, can be anything: a make of car, a football team, a political party, a holiday destination, a type of beer, a philosophical theory – the subject is of little importance. English men can turn almost any conversation, on any topic, into a Mine’s Better Than Yours game. I once listened to a forty-eight-minute Mine’s Better Than Yours conversation (yes, I timed it) on the merits of wet-shaving versus electric razors. And discussions of more ‘highbrow’ issues are no different: a recent lengthy debate on Foucault, conducted in the letters pages of the Times Literary Supplement, followed exactly the same pattern, and employed much the same kind of ad hominem arguments, as the shaving debate.

The rules of the game are as follows. You start either by making a statement in pr...

At the most basic level, an underlying rule in all English conversation is the proscription of ‘earnestness’. Although we may not have a monopoly on humour, or even on irony, the English are probably more acutely sensitive than any other nation to the distinction between ‘serious’ and ‘solemn’, between ‘sincerity’ and ‘earnestness’.

This distinction is crucial to any kind of understanding of Englishness. I cannot emphasize this strongly enough: if you are not able to grasp these subtle but vital differences, you will never understand the English – and even if you speak the language fluently, you will never feel or appear entirely at home in conversation with the English. Your English may be impeccable, but your behavioural ‘grammar’ will be full of glaring errors.

Once you have become suff...

While I would not claim that English comedy is superior to that of other nations, the fact that we have no concept of a separate ‘time and place’ for humour, that humour suffuses the English consciousness, does mean that English comic writers, artists and performers have to work quite hard to make us laugh. They have to produce something above and beyond the humour that permeates every aspect of our ordinary social interactions. Just because the English have ‘a good sense of humour’ does not mean that we are easily amused – quite the opposite: our keen, finely tuned sense of humour, and our irony-saturated culture probably make us harder to amuse than most other nations. Whether or not this results in better comedy is another matter, but my impression is that it certainly seems to result i...



  Daily Express

  Simply a small masterpiece. Mark our words, Miss Fox is the next

big thing --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable

edition of this title.

  Oxford Times

 ‘Fascinating reading.'' --This text refers to the Paperback


  Jennifer Saunders, The Times

  ''An absolutely brilliant examination of English culture and how

foreigners take as complete mystery the things we take for

granted.'' --This text refers to the Paperback edition.

  New Statesman

  ''Wry...accessible...anthropologically revealing. Readers...will

sink comfortably into Fox''s world.'' --This text refers to an out

of print or unavailable edition of this title.


How does THE NAKED APE behave when he's dressed? The quirks and habits of the English laid bare. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.



































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