
当代组织行为学 kindle 下载 网盘 pdf azw3 极速 rtf umd




  • ISBN:9787115209405
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2009-07
  • 页数:279
  • 价格:36.00
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装-胶订
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分


  本书由美国西北大学凯洛格商学院莉·汤普森教授撰写,是一本应用广泛、篇幅短小、注重时效性且易于阅读的组织行为学教材。   作者认为组织行为是一个实践性、应用性很强的领域。作为组织中的一员,不管是不是普通员工,都需要学习和掌握组织行为方面的知识。贯穿本书的三个核心特点是:即时性、自我学习和发展、基于理论的实践建议。本书提供的工具可以帮助读者了解自己的长处、评估组织中其他成员的才能,这些技巧可以应用在面试、培训项目、冲突管理以及处理商务问题等诸多方面。  本书可作为我国高等院校心理学、管理学、组织行为学和人力资源管理等学科专业双语教学的教材,也可供广大职场人士和专业研究人员在工作和学习中参考。




Chapter 1 The Person and the Organization 1

Organizational Life 2

Defining Organizational Behavior 4

 Content Areas of OB 4

 Level of Analysis 4

Guiding Principles of OB 6

Skills 6

 Technical Skills 7

 Decision-Making and Judgment Skills 8

 Interpersonal Skills 8

 Ethical and Moral Skills 8

 Self-Knowledge Skills 9

Key Tensions and Challenges for People in Organizations 9

 Self versus Organizational Interest 9

 Task versus People Focus 9

 Work versus Family 10

 Exploration versus Exploitation 11

 Promotion versus Prevention 11

 Depth of Knowledge versus Breadth of Knowledge 11

 Post 12

Building a Body of OB Science 12

 Methods of OB 12

Learning 16

 You Are a Work in Progress 16

 Engage in Double-Loop versus Single-Loop Learning 17

 Bridge the Knowing-Doing Gap 17

Conclusion 18

Chapter 2 Understanding People and Their Behavior 21

What Makes People Tick  22

Behavior Is a Function of Personality and the Situation 22

Intelligence 22

 G-Factor Intelligence 23

 Multiple Intelligences 23

Emotional Intelligence 23

 Skill Areas of Emotional Intelligence 24

 Emotions 26

 Measuring EQ 26

 Research Support for EQ 27

 Skills for Building EQ 27

Temperament and the Big Five 29

Motivation 30

 Intrinsic versus Extrinsic Motivation 30

 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs 30

 Expectancy Theory 32

 Goal Setting 32

 Motivations Vis-à-vis Others 33

 Self-Efficacy 33

Organizational Culture 34

Organizational Norms 35

Psychological Contracts 35

Biases in Understanding Others 36

 Fundamental Attribution Error 36

 Consistency Bias: Halos and Forked Tails 37

 Primacy and Recency Bias 37

 Bandwagon Bias 37

Roadblocks to Understanding Ourselves 38

 Unrealistic Optimism 38

 Self-Serving Bias/Egocentrism 38

 Omniscience 38

 Omnipotence 38

 The Powerful Process of Adaptation 38

Conclusion 38

Chapter 3 Ethics and Values 41

Ethics and OB 42

Moments of Truth 42

Can Ethics Be Taught  44

Ethics and Levels of Analysis 44

Unethical Behavior as Incremental Descents into Wrongdoing 46

 Cognitive Mechanisms 46

 Social-Situational Mechanisms 48

Ethical Breaches 49

Preive Ethical Models 49

 Mason, Mason, and Culnan’s Six Questions 49

 Badaracco’s Four Enduring Questions 50

 Anand, Ashforth, and Joshi’s Method for Dealing with Rationalization and Socialization of Unethical Behavior 51

Ethical Rules of Thumb 52

 Front-Page Test 52

 Role Modeling 52

 Third-Party Advice 52

 Policies 52

 Accountability 53

 Conflicts of Interest 53

Conclusion 53

Chapter 4 Communication 55

Basic Communication Model 56

 Sender 56

 Receiver 57

 Message or Information 57

 Communication Medium 58

 Noise 58

 Encoding and Decoding 58

 Context 58

Social-Constructionist Communication Model 58

 Social Meanings Model 59

 Collaborative Model 59

 Grice’s Communication Maxims 59

 Whorfian Hypothesis 59

 Communication Model and Levels of Analysis 59

Individual Communication: Challenges and Competencies 60

 GPA Theory: Goals-Plans-Action Theory 60

 Developing Communication Skills 60

Interpersonal Communication: Challenges and Competencies 61

 Message Tuning 61

 Message Distortion 62

 Biased Interpretation 62

 Curse of Knowledge 62

 Illusion of Transparency 62

 Proximity Effect 63

 Indirect versus Direct Communication 63

Group and Team Communication: Challenges and Competencies 64

 Uneven Communication Problem 64

 Contagion 64

 Minimizing Communication Errors in Groups 65

Communication and Attention 66

Nonverbal Communication 66

 Types of Cues 66

Lying and Deception 67

 Accuracy in Detecting Deception 67

 Nonverbal Leakage 68

 Detecting Deception and the Written Word 68

 Deception and Information Technology 69

The Organizationally Competent Communicator: Taking Yourself to the Next Level 69

 Overt Practice 69

 Mental Practice 69

 Direct Instruction and Coaching 69

 Modeling 69

 Role-Playing 69

 Storytelling and Narrative 70

 Questioning 70

 Process Consultation and Active Inquiry 70

Conclusion 71

Chapter 5 Power and Influence in Organizations 75

Power and Influence 76

Power and Politics in Organizations 77

 Playing Organizational Politics 77

Power as an Individual Difference 79

Power and Perception 80

Sources of Power 80

Power Motivation 81

 Distinction: pPower versus sPower 82

Benevolent and Malevolent Power 83

 Crimes of Obedience 83

Influence Strategies 85

 Weapons of Influence 85

 Impression Management 87

Why Do People Conform  87

 Informational Influence 87

 Social Influence 87

When Do People Conform  88

 Group Size 88

 Group Unanimity 88

 Group Commitment 88

Conclusion 88

Chapter 6 Relationships and Social Networks 91

Fundamental Building Blocks of Dyadic Relationships 92

 Interdependence Theory 92

 Social Exchange Theory 93

Communal versus Exchange Relationships 95

Social Identity and Organizational Identity 96

 Two Types of Ties: People and Group 96

Improving Relationships 96

Developing Relationships 96

 Friendship and Work 97

 Choices in Relationships: Voice, Loyalty, Neglect, and Exit 97

Types of Trust 99

 Deterrence-Based Trust 99

 Knowledge-Based Trust 100

 Identification-Based Trust 100

Building Trust: Instrumental and Emotional Mechanisms 100

Recovering from Breaches of Trust 101

Networks 101

 Social Capital versus Human Capital 102

 Measuring Social Capital 102

 Types of Networks 104

 Evidence for the Value of Social Capital 105

 Knowledge of Your Own Network 105

 Ethics of Social Capital 105

Conclusion 106

Chapter 7 Decision Making 109

Decision Making: Levels of Analysis 110

 Intrapersonal Decisions 111

 Interpersonal Decisions 111

 Group Decisions 114

 Organizational-Level Decisions 115

Domains of Decisions 117

 Riskless Choice: Decision Making under Certainty 117

 Decision Making under Uncertainty 118

 Risky Choice: Decision Making under Risk 118

 Prospect Theory 120

Deive, Normative, and Preive Models 121

 Normative Models 121

 Deive Models 122

 Faulty Perceptions about Ourselves 123

 Faulty Perceptions about Other People 124

 Flawed Decision Making 126

 Post on Human Bias 127

 Preive Models 127

Conclusion 129

Chapter 8 Conflict Management and Negotiation 131

Managerial Grid 132

Types of Conflict 133

 Task Conflict 134

 Process Conflict 135

 Relationship Conflict 135

 Conflict and Productivity 135

 Resolving Conflict 135

Negotiation: A Mixed-Motive Enterprise 137

 Balancing Mixed Motives 138

 Negotiation Styles 138

 Opportunistic Negotiation 138

Creating Value: Integrative Negotiation 139

 Separate Positions from Interests 139

 Prioritize and Weight the Issues 140

 Unbundle the Issues 141

 Ask for the Right Information 141

 Create a Superset of Issues 142

 Propose Value-Added Trade-Offs 142

 Make Multiple Offers of Equivalent Value Simultaneously 143

 Propose Contingency Contracts 144

 Make Postsettlement Settlements 145

Claiming Value: Distributive Negotiation 146

 Know Your BATNA and Develop Your Reservation Price 146

 Research the Other Party’s BATNA and Assess Their Reservation Price 147

 Anchoring 147

 Summary 147

Improving Your Negotiation Skills 149

 Take Every Opportunity to Negotiate 149

 Seek Feedback on Your Negotiation Skills 149

 Use Worksheets 149

 Plan Your Approach 149

 Offer to Be a Negotiation Coach 149

 Don’t Brag or Boast 149

Third-Party Intervention 149

 Ranges of Third-Party Roles 149

 Effective Third-Party Intervention 150

 Challenges Facing Third Parties 150

Conclusion 151

Chapter 9 Leading and Managing Teams 153

Types of Teams in Organizations 155

 Manager-Led Teams 155

 Self-Managing Teams 156

 Self-Directing (or Self-Designing) Teams 156

 Self-Governing Teams 156

Types of Teamwork 156

 Tactical Teams 156

 Problem-Solving Teams 158

 Creative Teams 163

 Paulus’ Three New Rules 166

Team Boundaries 167

 Team Socialization and Norms Process 167

 Team Boundaries 168

Integrated Model of Successful Teamwork 169

Conclusion 171

Chapter 10 Leadership 175

Leadership in Organizations 176

Leadership versus Management 176

Highly Effective Leaders 178

Systems View of Leadership 180

Toxic Leaders 180

Can Leadership Be Taught  181

Leadership and Nature: Trait Theory 182

 Leadership and Trait Intelligence 182

 Leadership and Temperament 182

 Birth Order and Leadership 182

 Male and Female Differences and Leadership 183

 Post on Trait Theories of Leadership 184

Behavioral Theories of Leadership 184

 Lewin, Lippit, and White’s (1939) Studies of Reactions to Group Leadership Styles 184

 People versus Task (Managerial Grid) 184

 Leadership Styles and EQ Skills 186

 Transactional versus Transformational Leadership 188

 Servant Leadership 188

Situational Theories of Leadership: How the Situation Shapes the Leader 189

 How the Environment Shapes Leaders 189

Contingency Theories of Leadership 189

 Situational Leadership  189

 Path-Goal Theory of Leadership 190

 Normative Decision Model 191

 Fiedler’s Contingency Theory of Leadership Effectiveness 193

 LMX Theory 194

Expectations of Leaders 194

Does Leadership Matter  196

Conclusion 196

Chapter 11 Organizational Change 199

Individual Change 200

Interpersonal Change 200

 Communicator Characteristics 201

 The Communication 202

 The Situation 202

 The Target 203

 Elaboration Likelihood Model 204

Group Change 204

Organizational Development 204

 Organizational Life Cycle 205

 Type of Change 205

 Greiner’s Five Phases of Growth 206

Theories of Change 208

 Lewin’s Unfreezing-Change-Refreezing Model 208

 Sociotechnical Systems Theory 208

 Total Quality Management 209

 Reengineering 209

 Restructuring 209

Preive Models of Change 210

 Kotter’s Eight Steps 210

 Rao’s PRESS Model 212

 Garvin and Roberto’s Change Through Persuasion 214

 Beer and Nohria: Theory E versus Theory O Change 215

Conclusion 216

Chapter 12 Fairness and Justice 219

Distributive and Procedural Justice 220

 Distributive Justice 220

Equity Theory 224

 Measuring Equity 225

 Reactions to Inequity 225

Procedural Justice: The Science of How People Enact Justice 226

 Voice 226

 Thibaut and Walker’s Model of Procedural Justice 227

 Group Value Model 227

Retributive Justice 229

Evaluating Organizational Employees 229

Social Comparisons 229

Justice Systems 230

 Consistency 231

 Simplicity 231

 Effectiveness 231

 Justifiability 231

 Consensus 231

 Generalizability 231

 Satisfaction 231

Conclusion 231

Chapter 13 Diversity and Culture 235

Diversity Defined 236

Individual, Relational, and Collective Selves 237

 Optimal Distinctiveness Theory 238

The Business Case for Organizational Diversity 238

 Individual Level 239

 Interpersonal Level 239

 Teams and Groups 239

 Organizational Level 239

Barriers to Diversity 240

 Stereotyping 240

 Homogeneity Bias 241

 In-Group Bias 241

 Privilege Systems 243

Creating and Sustaining Diversity 243

 Affirmative Action 243

 Valuing Diversity 244

 Managing Diversity 244

 Educate Members on the Reasons Underlying the Plan 245

Gender Diversity 245

 Gender Pay Gap: The Evidence 245

 Glass Ceiling: The Evidence 246

 Double Standards: The Evidence 246

Cultural Diversity 247

 Stereotypes versus Prototypes 247

 Culture as an Iceberg 247

 Cultural Values 247

 Models of Social Relationships 249

 Predictors of Success in Intercultural Interactions 249

 Options for Change 250

Conclusion 251

Chapter 14 The Virtual Workplace 255

Place-Time Model of Social Interaction 256

 Same-Time, Same-Place Communication 256

 Same-Time, Different-Place Communication 257

 Different-Time, Same-Place Communication 259

 Different-Time, Different-Place Communication 259

Psychological Distancing Model: Media Richness 260

 Electronic Brainstorming 261

Virtual Teams 262

Information Technology and Its Effects on Social and Organizational Behavior 263

 Disadvantages 263

 Advantages 264

Going the Distance: Making the Best of Virtual Teams 266

 Structured Solutions 266

 Process Solutions 268

Conclusion 268

Glossary 271

Photo Credits 280










































































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