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Excel 2007 Vba Programmer'S Reference 9780470046432书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9780470046432
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2007-03
  • 页数:暂无页数
  • 价格:272.60
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分


  Get ready to take your Excel applications to the next level by

harnessing the power of the VBA language. This comprehensive

resource will help you gain more control over your spreadsheets by

using VBA while also showing you how to develop more dynamic Excel

applications for other users. From introductory concepts to

advanced developer topics, it guides you through every aspect of

Excel 2007, including the Ribbon and the XML file formats.




Chapter 1: Primer in Excel VBA

Chapter 2: The Application Object

Chapter 3: Workbooks and Worksheets

Chapter 4: Using Ranges

Chapter 5: Using Names

Chapter 6: Filtered Lists

Chapter 7: PivotTables

Chapter 8: Charts

Chapter 9: Event Procedures

Chapter 10: Adding Controls

Chapter 11: Text Files and File Dialog

Chapter 12: Working with XML and the Open XML File Formats

Chapter 13: UserForms

Chapter 14: RibbonX

Chapter 15: Command Bars

Chapter 16: Class Modules

Chapter 17: Add-ins

Chapter 18: Automation Add-ins and COM Add-ins

Chapter 19: Interacting with Other Office Applications

Chapter 20: Data Access with ADO

Chapter 21: Managing External Data

Chapter 22: The Trust Center and Document Security

Chapter 23: Browsing OLAP Data Sources with Excel

Chapter 24: Excel and the Internet

Chapter 25: International Issues

Chapter 26: Programming the VBE

Chapter 27: Programming with the Windows API

Appendix A: Excel 2002 Object Model Appendix B: VBE Object


Appendix C: Office 2007 Object Model



John Green lives and works in Sydney, Australia, as an

independent computer consultant, specializing in Excel and Access.

He has 35 years of computing experience, a Chemical Engineering

degree, and an MBA.

  He wrote his first programs in FORTRAN, took a part in the

evolution of specialized planning languages on mainframes and, in

the early ‘80s, became interested in spreadsheet systems, including

1-2-3 and Excel.

  John established his company, Execuplan Consulting, in 1980,

specializing in developing computerbased planning applications and

in training. He has led training seminars for software applications

and operating systems both in Australia and overseas.

  John has had regular columns in a number of Australian

magazines and has contributed chapters to a number of books

including Excel Expert Solutions and Using Visual Basic for

Applications 5. He also co-authored Professional Excel Development

with Stephen Bullen and Rob Bovey.

  From 1995 to 2005 he was accorded the status of MVP (Most

Valuable Professional) by Microsoft for his contributions to the

CompuServe Excel forum and MS Internet newsgroups.

  John Green contributed the Introduction, Chapters 1–11, 13,

15–17, and 19 to this book.

  Stephen Bullen lives in Woodford Green, London, England, with

his partner Clare, daughter Becky, and their dogs, Fluffy and

Charlie. He has two other daughters, Jane and Katie, from his first


  A graduate of Oxford University, Stephen has an MA in

Engineering, Economics, and Management, providing a unique blend of

both business and technical skills. He has been providing Excel

consulting and application development services since 1994,

originally as an employee of Price Waterhouse Management

Consultants and later as an independent consultant trading under

the names of Business Modelling Solutions Limited and Office

Automation Limited. Stephen now works for Barclays Capital in

London, developing trading systems for complex exotic derivative


  The Office Automation web site, www.oaltd.co.uk, provides a

number of helpful and interesting utilities, examples, tips and

techniques to help in your use of Excel and development of Excel


  As well as co-authoring previous editions of the Excel VBA

Programmer’s Reference, Stephen co-authored Professional Excel


  In addition to his consulting and writing assignments, Stephen

actively supports the Excel user community in Microsoft’s

peer-to-peer support newsgroups and the Daily Dose of Excel blog.

In recognition of his knowledge, skills and contributions,

Microsoft has awarded him the title of Most Valuable Professional

each year since 1996.

  Stephen Bullen contributed Chapters 14, 18, 24–27, and

Appendix B to this book.


  Rob Bovey is president of Application Professionals, a

software development company specializing in Microsoft Office,

Visual Basic, and SQL Server applications. He brings many years’

experience creating financial, accounting, and executive

information systems for corporate users to Application

Professionals. You can visit the Application Professionals web site

at www.appspro.com.

  Rob developed several add-ins shipped by Microsoft for

Microsoft Excel and co-authored the Microsoft Excel 97 Developers

Kit and Professional Excel Development. He earned his Bachelor of

Science degree from The Rochester Institute of Technology and his

MBA from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He is a

Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) and a Microsoft

Certified Solution Developer (MCSD). Microsoft has awarded him the

title of Most Valuable Professional each year since 1995.

  Rob Bovey contributed Chapters 20–22 to this book.


  Michael Alexander is a Microsoft Certified Application

Developer (MCAD) with more than 14 years’ experience consulting and

developing office solutions. He parlayed his experience with VBA

and VB into a successful consulting practice in the private sector,

developing middleware and reporting solutions for a wide variety of

industries. He currently lives in Frisco, Texas, where he serves as

a Senior Program Manager for a top technology firm. Michael is the

author of several books on Microsoft Access and Excel, and is the

principle behind DataPig Technologies, where he shares Access and

Excel knowledge with the Office community.

  Michael Alexander contributed Chapters 12 and 23 and

Appendices A and C to this book.







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  Get ready to take your Excel applications to the next level by

harnessing the power of the VBA language. This comprehensive

resource will help you gain more control over your spreadsheets by

using VBA while also showing you how to develop more dynamic Excel

applications for other users. From introductory concepts to

advanced developer topics, it guides you through every aspect of

Excel 2007, including the Ribbon and the XML file formats. In order

to master all of the new features of this program, you'll find an

introduction to VBA and details on how to use it to enhance Excel.

You'll then learn how to work with the key objects and uncover the

best ways to gain access to workbooks, worksheets, charts, and

more. And you'll find out how to write code for international

compatibility, program the Visual Basic Editor, and use the

functions in the Win32 API, which will expand your Excel VBA

programming skills. What you will learn from this book How to write

code that is readable, easy to maintain, and runs at maximum speed

Tips for utilizing the Visual Basic(R) Editor and its multitude of

tools Techniques for accessing data in a range of formats Ways to

set up your applications and convert them to add-ins How to

manipulate the Office XML file formats A thorough explanation of

RibbonX Best practices for managing external data and using OLAP

data sources Methods for effectively debugging your application

Tips for packaging and distributing customized applications to

other users Who is this book for? This book is for Excel users and

programmers from beginning to advanced. You should have a

reasonable working knowledge of Excel and a full installation of

the software. Wrox Programmer's References are designed to give the

experienced developer straight facts on a new technology, without

hype or unnecessary explanations. They deliver hard information

with plenty of practical examples to help you apply new tools to

your development projects today.



































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