
【正版保证团购优惠】涡扇发动机适航:术语与定义 kindle 下载 网盘 pdf azw3 极速 rtf umd




  • ISBN:9787030653468
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2020-07
  • 页数:暂无页数
  • 价格:57.00
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分








安全safety 001

安全保障合作计划partner for safety plan, PSP 001

安全保证security assurance 001

安全阀safety valve 001

安全管理系统safety management system 001

安全寿命safe life 001

安全寿命设计safe life design 001

安全系数factor of safety 002

安全性safety 002

安全性大纲safety program 002

安全裕度safety margin 002

安装节mount 002

安装燃油消耗率specific fuel consumption installed, SFCIN 002

安装系统mounting system 002

A基值A-basis value 002


百分比湿度percentage humidity 003

半物理仿真semi-physical simulation 003

包容containment 003

饱和saturation 003

饱和温度saturated temperature 003

饱和压力saturated pressure 003

报废discard task 003

报警信号alarm signal 003

爆破burst 003

爆破压力burst pressure 004

备份standby 004

备份控制模式backup mode 004

备份系统backup system 004

备降alternate 004

备降机场alternate airport 004

本构方程constitutive equation 004

比热容specific heat capacity 005

边界层boundary layer 005

边界条件boundary condition 005

边界元法boundary element method 005

变形deformation 005

标准大气standard atmosphere 005

标准火焰standard flame 006

标准及建议措施standard and recommended practices and procedures, SARPs 006

标准件standard part 006

标准流量standard flow 006

标准循环standard cycle 006

冰雹hail 006

冰雹水含量hail water content 007

冰脱落周期ice shed cycles 007

伯努利方程Bernoulli equation 007

泊松比Poissons ratio 007

补充型号合格证supplemental type certificate, STC 007

不安全状态unsafe condition 007

不符合项noncompliance 007

不可接受的功率或推力损失unacceptable power or thrust loss 007

不可接受的机械损坏unacceptable mechanical damage 007

不可接受的推力振荡unacceptable thrust oscillation 008

不利的运行状态adverse operating condition 008

不利影响adverse effect 008

不平衡设计分数imbalance design fraction, IDF 008

部件component 008

部件维修手册component maintenance manual, CMM 008

B基值B-basis value 008


材料material 009

材料非线性material nonlinear behavior 009

材料符合性验证compliance demonstration for material 009

材料规范material specification 009

材料许用值material allowable value 009

采样系统sampling system 009

残冰residual ice 009

残余变形residual strain 010

舱内通风冷却系统undercowl ventilation and cooling system 010

操纵品质handling quality 010

侧风crosswind 010

产品基线product baseline 010

颤振flutter 010

超差out of tolerance condition 010

超高频super high frequency, SHF 010

超声波检测ultrasonic testing 010

持久极限endurance limit 011

持久试验endurance test 011

持续的功率或推力损失sustained loss of power or thrust 011

持续适航continued airworthiness 011

持续适航管理continuous airworthiness management 011

持续适航文件instructions for continued airworthiness, ICA 011

持续转动continued rotation 011

冲击shock 011

冲击损伤impact damage 011

抽样检验sampling inspection 012

出口导向叶片outlet guide vane, OGV 012

初步风险评估preliminary risk assessment 012

初步设计评审preliminary design review, PDR 012

初步系统安全性分析preliminary system safety assessment, PSSA 012

初级电路primary electric circuit 012

初始裂纹寿命life to initial crack 012

初始适航管理initial airworthiness management 012

初始维修检查initial maintenance inspection, IMI 013

初始维修检查间隔initial maintenance inspection (IMI) intervals 013

除冰de-icing 013

传递函数transfer function 013

传动齿轮箱transfer gear box, TGB 013

传动系统transmission system 013

传感器transducer/sensor 013

传热thermal transmission 013

传热系数thermal transmittance 013

喘振surge 014

喘振边界surge limit 014

喘振裕度surge margin 014

次级电路secondary electric circuit 014

错误error 015

错误数据erroneous data 015


打样图layout drawing 016

大改major alteration 016

大气总温total air temperature 016

单点故障single point failure 016

单发失效one engine in-operative, OEI 016

单位耗油率specific fuel consumption, SFC 016

单元体module 016

当量空速equivalent air speed 016

导航navigation 017

导热heat conduction/thermal conduction 017

等效安全equivalent level of safety, ELOS 017

低周疲劳low cycle fatigue, LCF 017

底事件bottom level event 017

地面结冰条件ground icing conditions 017

地面慢车ground idle 017

地面效应ground effect 017

地面振动试验ground vibration test, GVT 017

第二阶段噪声级stage 2 noise level 018

第一阶段噪声级stage 1 noise level 018

点火电缆ignition cable 019

点火电嘴igniter 019

点火激励器ignition exciter 019

点火系统ignition system 019

点火源ignition source 019

电磁干扰electromagnetic interference, EMI 019

电磁兼容性electromagnetic compatibility, EMC 019

电缆cable 019

电气线路互联系统electrical wiring interconnection system, EWIS 020

电液伺服阀electro-hydraulic servo valve, EHSV 020

顶事件top level event 020

定时瞬态timing transitional condition 020

定时维修hard time maintenance 020

动刚度dynamic stiffness 020

动力学响应dynamic response 020

动力装置power-unit 020

动力装置附件powerplant accessories 020

冻结系数freezing fraction 021

抖振buffeting 021

短舱nacelle 021

短舱唇缘面积area of hilite 021

断后延伸率rupture elongation 021

断裂力学fracture mechanics 021

对流换热heat convection 022

对流换热系数convective heat transfer coefficient 022

多普勒效应Doppler effect 022


额定起飞功率或推力rated takeoff power or thrust 023

额定输出rated output, rO 023

额定速度或燃气温度rated speed or gas temperature 023

额定压力比rated pressure ratio, rPR 023

额定值rating 023

额定连续推力或功率rated maximum continuous thrust or power 023

二次失效secondary failure 024

二次损伤secondary damage 024


发动机engine 025

发动机部件engine component 025

发动机电子控制系统electronic engine control system, EECS 025

发动机飞行循环engine flight cycle 025

发动机机匣烧穿engine case burnthrough 025

发动机结构engine structure 025

发动机控制系统engine control system, ECS 025

发动机排气温度exhaust gas temperature, EGT 025

发动机前端front of the engine 026

发动机手册engine manual, EM 026

发动机特性engine characteristics 026

发动机图解零件目录engine illustrated parts catalog, EIPC 026

发动机危害性后果engine hazardous effect 026

发动机熄火flameout 026

发动机限寿件engine life-limited parts 026

发动机型别engine model 026

发动机振动监测engine vibration monitoring, EVM 027

发动机整流罩engine cowling 027

发动机指示和机组告警系统engine indication and crew alert system, EICAS 027

发动机专用电源engine dedicated power source 027

发动机总压比engine pressure ratio, EPR 027

发烟指数smoke number, SN 027

翻修overhaul, O/H 027

翻修产品rebuilt product 027

翻修间隔时间time between overhaul, TBO 027

反推力装置thrust reverser 027

反推整流罩thrust reverser cowl 028

返航in flight turn back, IFTB 028

防冰anti-icing 028

防冰系统anti-icing system 028

防错设计anti-error design 028

防火fireproof 028

防火墙firewall 028

防火系统fire protection system 028

放电discharge 028

飞行包线flight envelope 028

飞行高度flight altitude 028

飞行结冰探测警告系统advisory flight ice detector system, AFIDS 029

飞行慢车flight idle 029

飞行剖面flight profile 029

飞行事故flight accident 029

飞行事故征候flight incident 029

飞机aeroplane 029

飞机发动机aircraft engine 029

飞机提供的电源aircraft-supplied electrical power 029

飞机提供的数据aircraft-supplied data 029

非包容失效uncontained failure 029

非正常飞行条件abnormal flight condition 030

分贝decibel, dB 030

分解检查teardown inspection 030

分析analysis 030

风车windmilling 030

风车转速windmilling rotational speed 030

风扇fan 030

风扇舱fan compartment 030

风扇叶片脱落fan blade-out, FBO 030

风扇噪声fan noise 030

风险risk 031

风险分析risk analysis 031

风险管理risk management, RM 031

风险评估risk assessment 031

封严seal 031

服务通告service bulletin, SB 031

服务信函service letter, SL 031

符合性compliance 031

符合性方法methods of compliance, MOC/MC 031

符合性检查清单compliance check list, CCL 031

符合性资料compliance data 032

辅助动力装置auxiliary power unit, APU 032

腐蚀corrosion 032

腐蚀疲劳corrosion fatigue 032

附件安装构件accessory mounting attachment 032

附件齿轮箱accessory gearbox, AGB 032

附件传动装置accessory drive 032

复飞go around, GA 032

复飞功率或推力设定值go around power or thrust setting 032

复合材料composites 032

复杂硬件complex hardware 033

富油rich fuel vapor/air mixture 033

腹板web 033


改航diversion 034

概率probability 034

刚度stiffness 034

高频high frequency, HF 034

高强度辐射场high intensity radiated fields, HIRF 034

高升力系统high lift system 034

高压转速high pressure rotor speed 034

高周疲劳high cyclic fatigue, HCF 034

告警warning 034

隔火板flame baffle 034

隔圈spacer 035

工程计划engineering plan 035

工程设计图engineering drawing 035

工程协调单engineering coordination memo, ECM 035

工作试验operation test 035

工作手册working manual, WM 035

功率/推力设定power/thrust setting 035

功率或推力严重损失serious loss of power or thrust 035

功率损失不稳定power loss instabilities 035

功率特性power characteristics 036

功能function 036

功能危害性分析function hazard analysis, FHA 036

共模错误common mode error 036

共模失效common mode failure 036

共因分析common cause analysis, CCA 036

共因失效common cause failure 036

共振resonance 036

构型configuration 037

构型管理configuration management 037

构型管理办公室configuration management office, CMO 037

构型管理委员会configuration management board, CMB 037

构型基线configuration baseline 037

构型控制configuration control 037

构型控制委员会configuration control board, CCB 037

固定最小飞行慢车推力位置fixed minimum flight idle power lever 037

故障fault 037

故障安全fail-safe 037

故障分析failure analysis 038

故障告警和状态指示fault warning and status annunciation 038

故障隔离fault isolation 038

故障树分析fault tree analysis, FTA 038

关键点critical point 038

关键件critical part 038

关键设计评审critical design review, CDR 038

关键转子叶片critical rotor blade 038

关键撞击参数critical impact parameter, CIP 038

管理文件management document, MD 039

光滑粒子流体动力学smoothed particle hydrodynamics, SPH 039

广布疲劳损伤widespread fatigue damage, WFD 039

规范性文件normative document 039

规章regulation 039

规章制定rulemaking 039

国际标准大气International Standard Atmosphere 039

国际航空运输协会International Air Transport Association, IATA 039

国际民用航空公约The International Civil Aviation Covenant 040

国际民用航空组织International Civil Aviation Organization, ICAO 040

国际自动机工程师学会Society of Automotive Engineers International, SAE International 040

国家航空咨询委员会National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, NACA 040

国家运输安全委员会National Transportation Safety Board, NTSB 040

过大的振动excessive vibration 040

过冷大水滴supercooled large droplets, SLD 040

过冷水滴supercooled droplets 041

过滤度degree of filtering 041


海平面sea level 042

涵道比bypass ratio, BPR 042

航空发动机aero engine 042

航空器aircraft 042

航空器飞行手册aircraft flight manual, AFM 042

航空器型号合格审定体系aircraft type certification system 042

航空器评估小组aircraft evaluation group, AEG 042

航空燃气涡轮发动机aircraft gas turbine engine 043

航空无线电通信公司Aeronautical Radio Incorporated, ARINC 043

航空无线电技术委员会Radio Technical Commission of Aeronautics, RTCA 043

航线可更换件line replaceable unit, LRU 043

核心舱core compartment 043

合格审定规定certification specification, CS 043

合格证持有人certificate holder 043

很少可能的reasonably probable 043

红线状态redline conditions 044

滑行taxi 044



滑油底壳oil sump 044

化油器carburetor 044

环保批准文件environmental approval 044

换算转速corrected rotational speed, Nc 044

回流冰runback ice 044

混合型冰mixed ice 044

活塞式发动机reciprocating engine 045

火区fire zone 045

火源fire source 045

火源区ignition source zone 045

火灾探测系统fire detection system 045

豁免exemption 045


击穿puncture 046

机动maneuver 046

机构委任授权organization designation authorization, ODA 046

机体airframe 046

机载电子硬件airborne electronic hardware, AEH 046

机载设备appliance 046

机载振动监视器airborne vibration monitor, AVM 046

基准大气条件reference day conditions 046

基准级程reference level range 047

基准频率reference frequency 047

基准湿度reference humidity 047

激波噪声shock noise 047

极惯性矩polar moment of inertia 047

极限引气状态limit condition of bleed air 047

极限载荷ultimate load 047

极小可能的extremely remote 048

计算流体力学computational fluid dynamics, CFD 048

技术标准规定technical standard order, TSO 048

技术标准规定项目批准书technical standard order approval, TSOA 048

技术出版物technical publication 048

加速试验accelerated test 048

加速因子acceleration factor 048

间断结冰条件intermittent maximum icing condition 048

间接效应indirect effect 048

间隙击穿gap breakdown 048

兼容性compatibility 049

检测时机inspection opportunity 049

检查check 049

剪切模量shear modulus 049

剪切应变率shear strain rate 049

简单硬件simple hardware 049

建议修订通知notice of proposed amendment, NPA 049

降稳因子destabilizing effect 049

降转run-down 050

校准高度calibrated altitude 050

校准空速calibrated airspeed, CAS 050

校准试验calibration test 050

接口interface 050

接口控制文件interface control document 050

结冰条件icing condition 050

结冰形式ice formation 050

界面强度interface strength 051

借用件grafting part 051

进气道air inlet 051

进气道喉道面积inlet throat area 051

进气畸变inlet air distortion 051

进气系统induction system 051

进气总温畸变inlet total temperature distortion 051

进气总压畸变inlet total pressure distortion 051

经批准的规范approved specification 051

经批准的资料approved data 052

经验experience 052

警告alert 052

静承压件pressurized static part 052

静温static temperature 052

局方administration/agency 052

聚集系数scoop factor 052

压力absolute pressure 052


可编程逻辑器件programmable logic device, PLD 053

可达性accessibility 053

可达性措施accessibility provision 053

可接受的符合性说明acceptable means of compliance, AMC 053

可靠性reliability 053

可靠性大纲reliability program 053

可能的失效状态probable failure condition 053

可燃的flammable 054

可燃性液体flammable liquid 054

可调放气活门variable bleed valve, VBV 054

可调静子叶片variable stator vanes, VSV 054

可用的serviceable 054

空速airspeed 054

空域airspace 054

空中飞行时间in-flight hours 054

空中停车in-flight shutdown, IFSD 054

空中停车率in-flight shutdown rate, IFSDR 055

控制模式control mode 055

宽频带噪声broad band noise 055

扩散火焰diffusion flame 055


离散源损伤discrete source damage 056

离散噪声discrete noise 056

力学性能mechanical properties 056

立法建议通告notice of proposed rulemaking, NPRM 056

连续结冰条件continuous maximum icing conditions 056

联邦法规法典Code of Federal Regulations, CFR 056

联邦航空局Federal Aviation Administration, FAA 056

联邦航空条例Federal Aviation Regulations, FAR 057

联合航空局Joint Aviation Authorities, JAA 057

联合咨询通告advisory circular joint, ACJ 057

谅解备忘录memorandum of understanding, MOU 057

裂纹crack 057

临界发动机critical engine 057

临界高度critical altitude 057

临界引气critical air bleed 057

零部件part 058

零部件制造人批准书parts manufacturer approval, PMA 058

流量系数/聚集系数scoop factor/concentration factor 058

螺旋桨propeller 058


马尔可夫分析Markov analysis, MA 059

马赫数Mach number 059

满意的证据satisfactory evidence 059

慢车状态idling condition 059

毛坯图blank drawing 059

美国材料与试验协会American Society for Testing and Materials, ASTM 059

美国国家标准协会American National Standards Institute, ANSI 059

美国航空航天工业协会Aerospace Industries Association of America, AIA 060

美国航空航天学会American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, AIAA 060

美国航空运输协会Air Transport Association of America, ATA 060

美国交通运输部US Department of Transportation, DOT 060

蒙皮skin 060

民航行政机关civil aviation administration organization 060

民用航空标准件civil aviation standard part 060

民用航空产品civil aviation product 060

民用航空规章Civil Air Regulations, CAR 061

民用航空器civil aircraft 061

名义点火源nominal ignition source 061

明冰glaze ice 061

磨蚀疲劳chafing fatigue 061

目视检查visual check 061


耐火fire resistant 062

耐久极限endurance limit 062

耐久极限百分比endurance limit percent 062

耐久性durability 062

耐受时间duration (minutes)062

耐压压力proof pressure 062

鸟弹bird projectile 062

鸟撞birds strike 063


欧洲航空安全局European Aviation Safety Agency, EASA 064

偶然误差accidental error 064


爬升率rate of climb, R/C 065

排出物测试系统emission test system 065

排放和通风系统drain and vent systems 065

排气排出物exhaust emission 065

排气温度exhaust gas temperature, EGT 065

派遣构型dispatchable configuration 065

喷流噪声jet noise 065

批准的尺寸限制approved dimensional limit 065

批准的寿命approved life 065

批准放行证书/适航批准标签authorized release certificate/approval tag 066

批准生产检查系统approved production inspection system, APIS 066

疲劳fatigue 066

疲劳评定fatigue evaluation 066

疲劳强度fatigue strength 066

疲劳寿命fatigue life 066

疲劳损伤fatigue damage 066

疲劳载荷谱fatigue load spectrum 066

偏离deviation 066

平均故障间隔时间mean time between failure, MTBF 066

平均水滴直径median volume diameter, MVD 067

平均有效直径mean effective diameter, MED 067

评定assessment 067

破坏压力burst pressure 067

破裂fracture 067

破裂裕度burst margin 067


起动(正常起动)start (normal start)068

起飞takeoff 068

起飞安全速度takeoff safety speed 068

起飞包线takeoff envelope 068

起飞决断速度takeoff decision speed 068

起飞推力takeoff thrust 068

起飞推力自动控制系统automatic take-off thrust control system, ATTCS 069

气动载荷pneumatic load 069

前缘leading edge 069

潜在点火源potential ignition source 069

潜在火区potential fire zone 069

潜在结冰条件potential icing conditions 069

潜在失效latent failure 069

潜在着火危险potential fire hazard 069

强度strength 069

强度极限ultimate strength 070

强迫振动forced vibration 070

区域安全性分析zonal safety analysis 070

屈服点yield point 070

屈服强度yield strength 070

屈曲buckling 070

权益转让协议interest transfer agreement 070

全局检测full field inspection 070

全勤系统full-up configuration 070

全球定位系统Global Positioning System, GPS 070

全权限数字电子控制full authority digital electronic control, FADEC 071

缺陷defects 071

确认validation 071R

燃气涡轮发动机gas turbine engine 072

燃烧burning;combustion 072

燃烧不稳定性combustion instability 072

燃烧室combustion chamber 072

燃油fuel 072

燃油饱和蒸气压fuel saturation vapour pressure 072

燃油量指示系统fuel quantity indicating system 072

燃油流量fuel flow 072

燃油流量传感器fuel flow probe 072

燃油排泄物fuel venting 073

燃油系统fuel system 073

燃油消耗率specific fuel consumption, SFC 073

扰动disturbance 073

热斑点hot spot 073

热导率thermal conductivity 073

热电偶thermocouple 073

热应力thermal stress 073

人为因素human factors 073

认可(适航证)rendering (a certificate of airworthiness) valid 073

任务剖面mission profile 074

任意拉格朗日欧拉描述arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian, ALE 074

日历年calendar year, CY 074

日历月calendar moon 074

容错fault tolerance 074

冗余redundancy 074

蠕变creep 074

软时间检测间隔soft time inspection interval 074


循环reverser endurance cycles 074

RTO循环rejected takeoff operation cycles 074


三重红线状态triple redline test condition 075

闪点flash point 075

闪电放电lightning flash 075

闪电防护lightning protection 075

闪电回击lightning stroke 075

闪击lightning strike 075

闪击区域lightning strike zones 075

设计design 076

设计保证design assurance 076

设计保证系统design assurance system, DAS 076

设计符合性compliance 076

设计目标风险design target risk, DTR 076

设计批准design approval 076

设计评审design review 076

设计许用值design allowable value 077

申请人applicant 077

审定计划certification plan, CP 077

审定维修要求certification maintenance requirement, CMR 077

审定项目计划certification project plan, CPP 077

生产批准production approval 077

生产许可审定委员会Production Certification Board, PCB 077

生产production certificate, PC 077

生产制造地区监督办公室Manufacturing Inspection District Offices, MIDO 078

声明的飞行包线declared flight envelope 078

声疲劳acoustic fatigue 078

声疲劳强度acoustic fatigue strength 078

声压级sound pressure level 078

剩余裂纹扩展寿命residual crack growth life 078

失速stall 078

失效failure 078

失效机理failure mechanism 079

失效结冰failure ice 079

失效模式failure mode 079

失效模式、影响及危害性分析failure mode effects and criticality analysis, FMECA 079

失效模式和影响分析failure modes and effects analysis, FMEA 079

失效影响failure effect 079

失效状态failure condition 079

使用管理计划service management plan 079

使用困难报告service difficulty reports, SDR 079

使用寿命service life/work life 080

使用限制serviceable limits 080

使用引起的缺陷operationally induced anomaly 080

事故accident 080

事故率/事故概率accident rate/accident probability 080

事故调查和预防accident investigation and prevention, AIP 080

事件event 080

试车台test rig 080

试飞flight test 081

试验test 081

试验产品test product 081

试验件test hardware 081

试验紧要件germane or primary hardware 081

视情维修on-condition maintenance 081

适航airworthiness 081

适航工程师airworthiness engineer 081

适航管理airworthiness management 081

适航管理程序aviation procedure, AP 082

适航规章airworthiness regulations 082

适航批准airworthiness approval 082

适航审定部门airworthiness certification department 082

适航审定司Aircraft Airworthiness Department, AAD 082

适航审定中心Airworthiness Certification Center, ACC 082

适航委任代表airworthiness designated representative 082

适航委任单位代表airworthiness designated organization representative 083

适航性限制airworthiness limitation, AL 083

适航性限制部分airworthiness limitation section, ALS 083

适航性限制项目airworthiness limitation instructions, ALI 083

适航证件airworthiness certificate 083

适航指令airworthiness directive, CAD 083

寿命管理life management 083

寿命限制life limit 084

属性attributes 084

霜冰rime ice 084

水力直径hydraulic diameter 084

水撞击速率water impingement rate 084

瞬时功率损失momentary power loss 084

瞬态transient 084

瞬态失效载荷transient failure load 084

瞬态转子轴超转/输出轴超扭/瞬态燃气超温transient rotor shaft overspeed/output shaft overtorque/transient gas overtemperature 084

碎片扩散角fragment spread angle 085

损伤damage 085

损伤类别category of damage 085

损伤容限damage tolerance 085

损伤容限评定damage tolerance evaluation, DTE 085

S 1流面S 1 surface 085

S 2流面S 2 surface 085


弹性elasticity 086

弹性模量elastic modulus 086

特定风险particular risk 086

特定风险分析particular risk analysis, PRA 086

特征feature 086

通用航空器general aviation aircraft 086

突风gust 086

突风载荷gust load 086

湍流turbulence 087

推进系统propulsion system 087

推力thrust 087

推力或功率的下降power or thrust degradation 087

推力控制丧失loss of thrust control, LOTC 087

推力控制系统thrust control system 087

推力轴承thrust bearing 087

退化degradation 087

脱冰周期ice shed cycles 088


外部管路、接头和其他部件external lines, fittings and other components 089

外部件external components 089

外部事件external event 089

外场可更换单元line replaceable unit, LRU 089

外物吸入损伤foreign object damage, FOD 089

完整性integrity 089

危害hazard 089

危害性发动机状态hazardous engine condition 089

危害性分析criticality analysis, CA 090

危险量hazardous quantity 090

危险状况hazardous condition 090

维修maintenance 090

维修暴露间隔maintenance exposure interval 090

维修大纲maintenance program 090

维修工程管理手册maintenance engineering management handbook 090

维修计划文件maintenance planning document, MPD 091

维修审查委员会Maintenance Review Board, MRB 091

维修审查委员会报告maintenance review board report, MRBR 091

维修限制repairable limit 091

维修性maintainability 091

维修指导小组——第二特别工作小组maintenance steering group — 2nd task force, MSG 2091

维修指导小组——第三特别工作小组maintenance steering group — 3rd task force, MSG 3092

委任单位代表authorizing representative 092

委任工程代表designated engineering representative, DER 092

委任工程代表型号资料审查表DER statement of compliance 092

委任航油航化代表designated fuel chemical representative, DFCR 092

委任适航代表designated airworthiness representative, DAR 092

委任制造检查代表designated manufacturing inspection representative, DMIR 093

未覆盖故障uncovered fault 093

位移displacement 093

温度temperature 093

温度换算temperature extrapolation 093

温度梯度temperature gradient 093

稳定积冰stabilized ice accretion 093

稳定静态stabilized static condition 093

稳定运行stabilized operation 093

稳定状态steady-state condition 094

问题纪要issue paper, IP 094

问题纪要汇编issue book 094

涡轮风扇发动机turbofan engine 094

涡轮喷气发动机turbojet engine 094

涡轮膨胀比turbine expansion ratio 094

涡轮特性曲线turbine characteristic curve 094

涡轮噪声turbine noise 095

无损检测non-destructive testing, NDT 095

物理转速physical rotational speed 095


吸鸟bird ingestion 096

熄火flameout 096

系统system 096

系统安全性分析system safety analysis, SSA 096

细节疲劳额定强度detail fatigue rating, DFR 096

限时派遣time limited dispatch, TLD 096

限制载荷limit load 096

相对湿度relative humidity 096

相关或主要设备germane or primary hardware 096

相应适航要求appropriate airworthiness requirements 097

项目工程师project engineer, PE 097

新工艺new process 097

新航空器new aircraft 097

信息通告information bulletin, IB 097

型号合格审定type certification 097

型号合格审定基础type certification basis, CB 097

型号合格审定审查组type certificate team, TCT 097

型号合格审定委员会type certificate board, TCB 098

型号合格证type certificate, TC 098

型号合格证持有人type certificate holder, TCH 098

型号合格证数据单type certificate data sheet, TCDS 098

型号检查报告type inspection report, TIR 098

型号检查核准书type inspection authorization, TIA 098

型号设计type design 098

型号设计件type design hardware 098

型号设计资料type design data 098

型号资料type data 099

型号资料批准表type data approval form 099

型号资料评审表type data review form 099

行政法规administrative rules and regulations 099

修理repair 099

修正案amendment 099

虚假起动false start 099

虚警false alert 099

许用应力allowable stress 100

巡航cruise 100

巡航高度cruise altitude 100


压力高度pressure-altitude 101

压气机compressor 101

压气机出口压力compressor discharge pressure, CDP 101

压气机特性曲线compressor characteristic curve 101

压气机压比compressor pressure ratio 101

亚声速飞机subsonic airplane 101

烟雾smoke 101

烟雾探测器smoke detector 101

延程运行extended operation, ETOPS 101

延程运行重要系统ETOPS critical system 102

研制保证development assurance 102

演示demonstration 102

验证verification 102

验证与确认validation and verification, V&V 102

叶片blade 102

叶型blade profile 102

液态水含量liquid water content, LWC 102

液压介质hydraulic fluid 102

液压伺服机构hydraulic servo mechanism 102

液压执行机构hydraulic actuator 103

一般可能的remote 103

一般目视检查general visual inspection, GVI 103

仪表instrument 103

移动整流罩translating cowl 103

易燃flammable 103

易燃材料flammable material 103

易燃液体点火源flammable fluid ignition source 103

易燃液体泄漏区flammable fluid leakage zone 103

引气bleed air 103

引气系统bleed air system 103

引伸计extensometer 104

迎角angle of attack, A/A 104

应变strain 104

应变片strain gauge 104

应力stress 104

应力集中stress concentration 104

应力松弛stress relaxation 104

应力应变曲线stress-strain curve 104

硬α及高硬缺陷hard alpha or high interstitial defect, HID 104

硬度hardness 105

硬检测hard detect 105

硬时检测间隔hard time inspection interval 105

有毒物质toxic product 105

有限差分法finite difference method 105

有限体积法finite volume method 105

有限元法finite element analysis, FEM 105

有限元分析finite element analysis, FEA 105

余度redundancy 105

雨rain 105

雨含量rain content 106

预混燃烧premixed combustion 106

预期运行条件anticipated operating condition 106

原发失效primary failure 106

远场噪声far field noise 106

运行operate 106

运行转速范围operating range of rotational speed 106

运转所必需的附件载荷accessories necessary to run the engine 106

运转所必需的引气bleed air necessary to run the engine 106


载荷load 107

载荷时间历程load-time history 107

载荷系数load factor 107

暂时功率损失temporary power loss 107

早期ETOPSearly ETOPS 107

早期故障early life failure 107

噪声noise 107

责任审查部门responsibility certification department 108

责任审定单位responsibility certification organization 108

增压比pressure ratio 108

增压油箱pressurized oil tank 108

展弦比aspect ratio, AR 108

着火危害fire hazard 108

着火危害区fire hazard zone 108

振动vibration 108

振动信号测量vibration signature survey 108

整流罩fairing/cowling 109

正常工作压力normal working pressure 109

正排量泵positive displacement pump 109

证书管理certificate management 109

政策程序手册policy and procedure handbook, PPH 109

直接目视检测direct visual testing 109

直接效应direct effect 109

直升机helicopter 110

指定火区designated fire zone 110

指令directive 110

指示高度indicated altitude 110

指示空速indicated airspeed, IAS 110

制造符合性conformity 110

制造符合性检查conformity inspection 110

制造符合性检查记录conformity inspection record 110

制造符合性检查请求单request for conformity 110

制造符合性声明statement of conformity 111

制造计划manufacturing plan 111

制造缺陷manufacturing anomaly 111

质量保证系统quality assurance system 111

质量控制资料quality control document, QCD 111

质量逃逸quality escape 111

置信度confidence coefficient 112

中断起飞aborted takeoff/rejected takeoff 112

中国民用航空规章China Civil Aviation Regulations, CCAR 112

中国民用航空局Civil Aviation Administration of China, CAAC 112

中间连续功率/推力intermediate contingency power/thrust 112

重点检测focused inspection 112

重心center of gravity 112

轴系shaft system 112

主动间隙控制active clearance control, ACC 112

主控制模式primary mode 112

主系统primary system 113

主要部件major part 113

主设备清单master minimum equipment list, MMEL 113

专项合格审定计划project specific certification plan, PSCP 113

专用条件special condition, SC 113

转场飞行ferry flight 113

转子rotor 113

转子不平衡rotor unbalance 113

转子锁定装置rotor locking device 114

转子完整性rotor integrity 114

撞击极限impingement limit 114

准稳态quasi-steady 114

咨询通告advisory circular, AC 114

自动恢复系统auto-recovery system 114

自燃温度auto-ignition temperature 114

自适应网格技术adaptive grid technique 114

自由振动free vibration 114

总温total temperature 115

总压total pressure 115

阻力drag 115

阻尼damping 115

阻燃flame resistant 115

组合失效combined failure 115

组件component 115

反推力maximum reverse thrust 115

改航时间maximum diversion time 115

工作压力maximum working pressure 115

可能压力maximum possible pressure 116

连续推力maximum continuous thrust, MCT 116

零油重量maximum zero fuel weight 116

起飞重量maximum takeoff weight, MTOW 116

允许转速maximum permitted rotational speeds 116

允许转速、燃气温度、输出轴扭矩(参见“红线状态”)maximum permissible speed, gas temperature, output shaft torque (see also “redline conditions”)116

设备清单minimum equipment list, MEL 116

最高极限工作温度maximum extreme temperature 117

最高正常工作温度maximum normal temperature 117

最关键转子级most critical rotor stage 117

最小冰片尺寸minimum ice slab dimensions 117

参考文献 118


















































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